Out of the 50 eyes check details with retinal hemorrhages, only 1 (2%) lacked either a subdural or intrascleral hemorrhage. Within these, 33 (66%) had both subdural and intrascleral hemorrhages, while 15 (30%) had a subdural without intrascleral hemorrhage, and 1 (2%) had an intrascleral without subdural hemorrhage. Subdural hemorrhage was present in 58 eyes (97%), of which 33 (57%) also had retinal and intrascleral hemorrhages. Only 6 of these eyes
(10%) positive for subdural hemorrhage had neither retinal nor intrascleral hemorrhages, while 15 (26%) had retinal hemorrhage of any kind without intrascleral hemorrhage, and 4 (6.9%) had intrascleral hemorrhage without retinal hemorrhage. Therefore, 10 eyes (17%) had subdural hemorrhage without retinal hemorrhage, of which 6 had unilateral retinal hemorrhages and 4 lacked retinal hemorrhages bilaterally. Intrascleral hemorrhage was present in 38 eyes (63%): click here 33 of those eyes (87%) also had subdural and retinal hemorrhages, 4 (11%) had subdural without retinal hemorrhages, and 1 (2.6%) had retinal without subdural hemorrhage. Intrascleral hemorrhage always accompanied a retinal or subdural hemorrhage. Vitreoretinal interface abnormalities were seen in 51 abusive head trauma eyes (85%) (Figure 1, Right panel). ILM tear in isolation was the most common observation in 22 eyes (37%). The incidence of ILM tear with a perimacular ridge and cherry hemorrhage
was 20 (33%), while incidence of only ILM tear and a perimacular ridge was 5 (8%) and of only cherry hemorrhage with ILM tear was 4 (6.7%). Every eye with a perimacular ridge or cherry hemorrhage had a torn ILM. In eyes with ILM tear, 20 (39%) also had a cherry hemorrhage and a perimacular ridge, 5 (10%) had a perimacular ridge without a cherry hemorrhage, 4 (7.8%) had a cherry hemorrhage without a perimacular ridge, and 22 (43%) did not have an accompanying perimacular ridge
or a cherry hemorrhage. In total, 24 (40%) eyes had a cherry hemorrhage: 20 (83%) also had ILM tears and a perimacular ridge, while Rolziracetam 4 (17%) had an ILM tear without a perimacular ridge. There were 25 (42%) eyes out of 60 with perimacular ridges: 20 (80%) also had both cherry hemorrhages and ILM tears, while 5 (20%) had a torn ILM without a cherry hemorrhage. Subdural hemorrhage at the optic nerve has a bluish hue externally. In cross-section, the blood is visible inside the dura (Figure 2, Left). Microscopically, intrascleral hemorrhage is found surrounding ruptured intrascleral vessels at the junction of the optic nerve and sclera (Figure 2, Right). Intrascleral bleeding is often continuous with the subdural space. Typical perimacular ridges are elevated, circular retinal folds with a canopy of ILM above, torn away from retina, with fibrin-hemorrhage debris below. Often a portion of the perimacular ridge can be seen clinically, surrounding hemorrhage at the macula (Figure 3, Top left).