However, the number of cases missed is unlikely to be significant

However, the number of cases missed is unlikely to be significant; Singapore health care statistics indicate that 80% of patients seek hospitalization in the public sector. Second, there were relatively few patients with an AS of 9 and above

(5 male selleck and 11 female patients). This is not surprising because such obvious cases usually warrant surgical exploration without further CT evaluation, which was an inclusion criterion in our study. The small number of patients with an AS of 9 and 10 may lead to a type II error during comparison of performance measures for these score values with CT scans. This is a limitation that may be overcome only by performing a study in which CT evaluation is performed uniformly in all cases, even in those with obvious clinical features of acute appendicitis. Even then, a large study population would be required because the prevalence of those with an AS of 9 and above in our study was less than 5%. Such a study design may pose ethical concerns for CT scans; though noninvasive, they are not without accompanying risks. Subjecting patients with an obvious clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis to CT evaluation may not be justified. Among the 100 patients without CT evaluation who were excluded from our study,

15 had AS of 9 and above. All 15 patients underwent surgery without any negative appendectomies. check details This concurs with our study findings that CT scans are unnecessary in those with an AS of 9 and 10. An AS of 7 and above

in males and 9 and above in females had positive likelihood ratios not significantly different from those of CT scan. These patients (males with AS 7 and above, females with AS 9 and above) are least likely to benefit from CT evaluation. Evaluation by CT is of value mainly in patients with AS of 6 or less in males and 8 or less in females. We propose an objective management for algorithm with the AS guiding subsequent evaluation and management. Study conception and design: Tan, Acharyya, Ong Acquisition of data: Tan, Goh, Chan, Wong Analysis and interpretation of data: Tan, Acharyya, Ooi Drafting of manuscript: Tan, Acharyya, Ooi, Ong Critical revision: Chan, Wong, Ooi, Ong “
“Novel technologic advances, better understanding of physiology, and improved surgical technical skills allow surgeons to offer patients better outcomes after colorectal resections with primary anastomosis.1, 2 and 3 For example, over the past 2 decades, long-term oncologic outcomes of rectal cancer have improved as a result of improved surgical technique and neoadjuvant treatment. Advances in surgical technique, technology, and neoadjuvant treatments currently allow surgeons to create lower anastomoses as an alternative to permanent colostomies.

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