(In physics, a related “dual-aspect” strategy – concurrent acceptance of “wave” and “particle” descriptions of electromagnetic radiation – is needed to make sense of available data). In the present view, the affective states generated by primordial brain emotional networks may have been among the first experiences that existed in brain evolution. Without them, higher consciousness (frontal neocortical executive functions) may not have evolved.22 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In evolutionary terms, all primal emotional systems are rooted
in yet deeper and more ancient processes. For example, the psychological pain of separation-distress/GRIEF may have arisen from earlier physical pain systems of the brain.23 The primary-process emotional-affective networks of mammalian brains Brain research
supports the existence of at least seven primary-process (basic) emotional systems – SEEKING, RAGE, FEAR, LUST, CARE, GRIEF (formerly PANIC), and PLAY – concentrated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in ancient subcortical regions of all mammalian brains. In sum, affective neuroscientific analysis of basic emotions is based on several highly replicable facts: (i) Coherent emotional-instinctual behaviors can be aroused by electrically stimulating very specific subcortical regions of the brain; (ii) Wherever one evokes emotional Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical action patterns with ESB, there are accompanying affective experiences. Again, the gold standard for this assertion is the fact that the brain stimulations can serve Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as “rewards” when positive-emotions are aroused – eg, SEEKING, LUST, CARE, and aspects of PLAY. When PLX3397 purchase negative emotions are aroused – RAGE, FEAR, GRIEF – animals escape the stimulation; (iii) The above behavioral and affective changes are rarely, if ever, evoked from higher prefrontal neocortical
regions, suggesting that higher brain areas may not have the appropriate circuitry to generate affective experiences, although the neocortex can Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical clearly regulate (eg, inhibit) emotional arousals and, no doubt, prompt emotional feelings by dwelling on life problems. The emotional primes are summarized in several monographs, with another appearing soon.24 Thumbnail descriptions are provided below, with one key reference crotamiton for each. The SEEKING/desire system This extensive network confluent with the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) is traditionally called the “brain reward system.” In fact, this is a general-purpose appetitive motivational system that is essential for animals to acquire all resource needs for survival, and it probably helps most other emotional systems to operate effectively. It is a major source of life “energy”, sometimes called “libido.” In pure form, it provokes intense and enthusiastic exploration and appetitive anticipatory excitement/learning.