have compared individual agents, as well as monoclonal antibody therapy as a group (adalimumab, infliximab) PARP inhibitor versus a soluble receptor fusion protein (etanercept). The mode of TNF neutralization differs between the monoclonal antibodies and the soluble receptor fusion protein, and a biologic basis has been noted for the risk of reactivation of latent TB with monoclonal antibodies.[22] In a French registry study, a higher risk for non-TB infections was associated with adalimumab and infliximab relative to etanercept treatment. Odds for infection were 10–18 times greater for the monoclonal antibodies versus etanercept.[23] Use of steroids was also implicated as a risk factor for infection. However, other studies based on UK[16, 24] and Italian[11] registry data have not distinguished a significant difference between these agents. A higher rate Roxadustat molecular weight of TB with infliximab and adalimumab relative to etanercept was reported in registry studies conducted in Great
Britain[25] and France.[26, 27] Greater age and being born in a TB-endemic area posed a higher risk for patients treated with adalimumab or infliximab versus etanercept.[27] A higher risk for lymphoma has also been reported for patients treated with adalimumab or infliximab compared to etanercept in a French study.[27] However, in a US study, no significant differences in lymphoma rates were noted between anti-TNF agents.[28] However, all of these adverse events are relatively rare, and most studies to date have been based on data captured during a 6-month to 5-year interval.
Estimates of risk have varied considerably among studies, and not all studies have reported multiple safety endpoints. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the incidence rate of SBI, TB and lymphoma over a 10-year period using the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) in Taiwan. Studying these outcomes in a TB endemic area such as Taiwan[29] makes it more likely to capture an association, learn more compared with data obtained from a low-TB prevalence area (where events may be too rare to reach statistical significance). Specifically, the incidence of these events was compared between tDMARDs and bDMARDs, and between individual bDMARDs. It was hypothesized a higher incidence of SBI, TB and lymphoma would be observed in RA patients using bDMARDs compared with tDMARDs. It was additionally hypothesized that, among the bDMARDs, etanercept would be associated with the lowest number of events. This retrospective, longitudinal study used data collected by the Bureau of National Health Insurance (BNHI) of Taiwan, a single government payer that covers 99.5% of individuals in Taiwan.[30] The NHIRD is a longitudinal database of BNHI medical claims that houses up to 15 years of electronic medical records data for more than 23 million patients.