The content of infectious baculovirus per μg HA varied slightly between 1.03 × 107 and 2.62 × 107 pfu (plaque forming units). All vaccine doses including the M1-only VLP negative control contained similar doses of infectious baculovirus (Suppl. Table 1). For further characterisation the migration pattern of the VLPs into a sucrose gradient was analysed by ultracentrifugation (Suppl. Fig. 1). Animal experiments
were performed using 6–8 week-old female BALB/c mice (Jackson Laboratories) according to the guidelines of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (permit LA12-00028). Animals had free access to food and water and were kept on a 12-h light/dark cycle. Mice were anesthetised by intraperitoneal (IP) injection of 0.1 mL of a ketamine/xylazine mixture (0.15 mg/kg and 0.03 mg/kg) before intranasal procedures. The prime-only group was immunised once with SH1-VLPs at a dose of 0.03 μg, 0.3 μg MS-275 research buy or 3 μg based on HA content in PBS or with 0.3 μg AH1-VLPs in a volume of 50 μL intramuscularly (i.m.) in the calf muscle (N = 5 per vaccine dose) at day 0. The prime-boost group (N = 5) was immunised twice with 0.3 μg SH1-VLPs, at an interval
of 14 days. A control group (N = 5) was immunised once with M1-only VLPs at a total protein concentration equal to that of the SH1-0.3 μg PLX4032 chemical structure vaccine dose. CD8+-depleted prime-only Modulators groups received one immunisation with 0.3 μg SH1- or M1-VLPs (N = 5) and were treated by IP injection of 300 μg of anti-CD8+ T-cell antibody [25] (from hybridoma line 2.43) for CD8+ T-cell depletion 48 and 24 h prior to challenge. Naive
mice (N = 5 per group) were included as additional negative control group. Three weeks after the last immunisation blood was drawn from anesthetised mice by submandibular bleeding. Mice were then infected with 100 LD50 of the recombinant virus PR8:SH1. Weight loss was monitored daily for up to 14 days and animals that lost 25% or more of their initial body weight were scored dead and humanely euthanised, according to institutional guidelines. A quantitative ELISA was performed to assess titres of HA-specific IgG. Sera (N = 5) from the different vaccine groups were pooled and assayed in duplicate. HA proteins of representatives of all influenza PD184352 (CI-1040) A group 2 subtypes were recombinantly expressed with a C-terminal T4 foldon trimerisation domain and an N-terminal His-tag as described in [23] and used as antigens (HAs from A/Shanghai/1/13 (H7N9, abbreviated SH1), A/Anhui/1/13 (H7N9, AH1), A/mallard/NL/12/00 (H7N3, malNL00), A/rhea/North Carolina/39482/93 (H7N1, rheaNC93), A/chicken/Jalisco/12283/12 (H7N3, chickJal12), A/Hong Kong/1/68 (H3N2, H3), A/duck/Czech/56 (H4N6, H4), A/mallard/Interior Alaska/10BM01929/10 (H10N7, H10), A/mallard/Gurjev/263/82 (H14N5, H14), A/wedge tailed shearwater/Western Australia/2576/79 (H15N9, H15) and A/California/04/09 (pandemic H1N1, pH1)).