Methods: An observational study of 219 shigellosis cases Laborat

Methods: An observational study of 219 shigellosis cases. Laboratory-confirmed shigellosis patients who are required to submit 2 negative convalescent stool cultures before returning to childcare facilities or work and who submitted at least 1 culture were included in the study. Univariate and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate potential risk factors for a convalescent stool culture being positive.

Results: Of 308 persons, 219 (71%) submitted at least 1 convalescent stool culture, and 164 (53%) submitted 2 negative convalescent stool cultures. Among 172 cases with >= 2 follow-up cultures, the probability that

the second test result would agree with the first test result was 7% for a “”positive”" initial stool culture, and 100% for a “”negative”" stool culture. When adjusted for age, sex, SN-38 molecular weight and child care attendance, find more treated case-patients who had Shigella organisms

in the first convalescent culture were more likely to have had stool collected <48 hours after the treatment completion and were more likely to have been treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

Conclusions: Compliance is poor with statutes requiring serial negative stool cultures among certain populations with shigellosis. Absence of Shigella species in the first convalescent stool culture of patients recovering from shigellosis appears to Selleckchem Fer-1 be an adequate measure of bacteriologic cure; however, the health impacts of requiring any convalescent

cultures during shigellosis outbreaks remain unclear.”
“Equiatomic CoPt and FePt thin films grown on MgO(111) substrates at temperatures (T(a)) from room temperature (RT) to 400 degrees C were studied. Distinct phase evolution was observed. In CoPt films, a metastable phase of L1(1) appears at T(a) = 250 degrees C prior to the formation of thermodynamic equilibrium L1(0) phase; whereas no intermediate structure is found in the FePt films. Good epitaxial growth of CoPt films can be obtained at low T(a) before ordering. However, in FePt films, high quality epitaxy appears after the occurrence of L1(0) ordering. Either L1(1) or L1(0) ordering induces magnetic hardening. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy was obtained in the L1(1) films, yet the L1(0) sample exhibited isotropic magnetism. Corresponding evolution in magnetic domain structure was also reported. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3560046]“
“The purpose of this study is to describe risk factors for post-operative urinary tract infection (UTI) the first year after stress urinary incontinence surgery.

Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed on data from 1,252 women randomized in two surgical trials, Stress Incontinence Surgical Treatment Efficacy trial (SISTEr) and Trial Of Mid-Urethral Slings (TOMUS).

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