The author concludes

The author concludes CHIR98014 chemical structure that sustainable use and management requires a complete rethinking of current production and consumption patterns, and a strong socio-political will for biodiversity conservation at different levels of governance.

The paper by Kasel et al. on drought frequency in Africa highlights the dependence of farmers in West Africa on rainfall, which has been fluctuating over the last few years, and how such variability affects food production in the Volta Basin. A historical analysis of drought events in the Basin indicated a 10-year drought recurrence. Regional drought analysis further reveals the temporal and spatial patterns of droughts. The analysis brings into relief the growing frequency of droughts since the 1980s, which, coupled with growing populations, has huge implications for food security in

the region. The last paper by Rarieya and Fortun focuses on the mediating roles of institutions in land change processes. The authors first investigate the possible impacts of climate change on agriculture and food security in Western Kenya, and then outline possible uses of climate learn more forecasts and related information to reduce human vulnerability. The arguments are built through a mix of literature reviews and primary research involving narratives from various stakeholders. SAHA HDAC To PRKACG improve food security and environmental conservation, a conceptual framework termed ‘agrocomplexity’, which captures the major drivers of change and sustainable development, is introduced. The authors call for increased capacity building for institutions, communities and policymakers, along with improved lines of information dissemination to complement improved technologies for forecasting and adaptation. The case studies presented in this special feature suggest significant prospects for land systems research. However, they also indicate that advancement in LCS in the coming years vis-à-vis realizing one or more unifying theories of land change that addresses the complexity of human–environment relationships

will still depend on the level of cooperation amongst the relevant contributing core disciplines. Acknowledgments This special feature is supported financially by MEXT through the Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology. We thank our team of reviewers for painstakingly carrying out manuscript evaluation. We also acknowledge the assistance of Kikuko Shoyama and Julius Agboola in preparing this special feature. References Foley JA, DeFries R, Asner GP, Barford C, Bonan G, Carpenter SR, Chapin FS, Coe MT, Daily GC, Gibbs HK, Helkowski JH, Holloway T, Howard EA, Kucharik CJ, Monfreda C, Patz JA, Prentice IC, Ramankutty N, Snyder PK (2005) Global consequences of land use.

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