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Mycol Res 110:1257–1270PubMedCrossRef Tringe SG, Hugenholtz P (2008) A renaissance for the pioneering 16S rRNA gene. Curr Opin Microbiol 11:442–446PubMedCrossRef Vega FE, Posada F, Peterson SW, Gianfagna TJ, Chaves F (2006) Penicillium species endophytic in coffee plants and ochratoxin A production. Mycologia 98:31–42PubMedCrossRef Vilgalys R, Hester M (1990) Rapid genetic identification and mapping of enzymatically amplified ribosomal DNA from several Cryptococcus species. J Bacteriol 172:4238–4246PubMedPubMedCentral

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“Introduction Currently, the

fungal genus Trichoderma/Hypocrea 1 comprises more than 200 validly described species, which have been recognised by molecular phylogenetic analysis (Atanasova et al. 2013). This high taxonomic diversity in Trichoderma/Hypocrea is not only reflected in a permanently increasing number of species (Jaklitsch 2009, 2011; Jaklitsch and Voglmayr 2012; Jaklitsch et al. 2012, 2013; Chaverri et al. 2011; Samuels and Ismaiel 2011, Samuels et al. 2012a,b; Kim et al. 2012, 2013; Yamaguchi et al. 2012; Li et al. 2013; López-Quintero et al. 2013, Yabuki et al. 2014), but also in a fast-growing number of secondary metabolites of remarkable structural diversity. The latter include low-molecular-weight click here compounds such as pyrones (Jeleń et al. 2013), butenolides, terpenes, and steroids, but also N-heterocyclic compounds and isocyanides.

1, (b) 0 25, and (c) 0 50 ms for 214 fs and 16-W average laser po

1, (b) 0.25, and (c) 0.50 ms for 214 fs and 16-W average laser power. The repetition rate and dwell time affect the growth of nanotips in somewhat similar way since both control the number of laser pulses delivered to the target surface. After the breakdown of the target material

has started, it requires a certain number of pulses according to the repetition rate and dwell time to ablate the required amount Stem Cells inhibitor of target material into the plasma, as demonstrated in stages 1 to 3 in Figure 8. Before this point in time, the plume does not have enough monomers to start vapor condensation. Once the vapor condensation has started inside the plume, the vapor condensates begin to get deposited onto the hot target surface, as depicted in stage 3. If the machining is stopped little after reaching stage 3, there will not be any more incoming pulses that transfer energy to the plasma species to generate further turbulence. As a result, the plasma species start relaxing by cooling down and mixing with nitrogen gas molecules. The consequence of these phenomena will be that the pressure exerted due Smad cancer to the plasma species will be relieved and the internal pressure becomes much higher than the external pressure on the deposited plasma condensates due to the hot target surface. At the same time, the deposited condensates experience uneven cooling due to the random flow of nitrogen gas.

As a result, the deposited droplets have regions of high and low surface tension over their entire surface. As a result, the imbalance of pressure pushes the material out of the volume of deposited droplets from regions of low surface tension resulting in the formation of the stem for the nanotips, as depicted in the side figures of stage 3 in Figure 8. Figure 8 Schematic representation of the growth stages of plasma expansion and nanotips’ stem formation. The ablation mechanism somewhat changes from one repetition rate to BI 2536 chemical structure another due to the

selleck difference in threshold energy-per-pulse requirement. The incoming pulses also interact differently with plasma generated from previous pulses for each repetition rate. Thus, the nanostructures generated for even the same dwell time differ for different repetition rates, as seen in Figures 6 and 9. Figure 9 shows SEM images of the glass target irradiated with 4-, 8-, and 13-MHz repetition rates for a dwell time of 0.75 ms. For 8- and 13-MHz repetition rates, the number of nanotips produced is much less compared to 0.50 ms, as seen in Figures 6 and 7. Instead, the presence of many spherical micronanoparticles and molten droplets is observed. This phenomenon can better be understood from the stage 4 of the schematic representation depicted in Figure 8. When the irradiated spot is bombarded with too many pulses as in the case of high repetition rates and high dwell time, an excessive amount of material is added to the plasma.

References Aasen PA (2009) Abrodd—Artemisia abrotanum L http://​w

References Aasen PA (2009) Abrodd—Artemisia abrotanum L.http://​www.​plantearven.​no/​abbrodd.​htm Baade PN (1768/1901) Tronhiemske Have-Planter. In: Nøvik P (ed) Samlinger til Havebrugets

historie i Norge. Udgivet af Selskabet “Havedyrkningens venner”. Gröndahl & Sön, Christiania, pp 75–87 Balvoll G, Weisæth G (1994) Horticultura. Norsk hagebok fra 1694 av Christian Gartner. Landbruksforlaget, Otta Berentsen VD, Eek A, Grefsrød E-E (2007) Sansehager for personer med demens. Utforming og bruk. Aldring og helse, Tønsberg Hammer C (1772) Norsk Huusholdings-Kalender. Første Deel. S. C. Schwach, Christiania Jacquin NJ (1764) Observationum botanicarum. Vindobonae, Vienna Kålås JA, Viken Å, Bakken T

(eds) (2006) 2006 Norwegian red list. The Norwegian Biodiversity Information GSK2245840 Centre, Trondheim Kaplan R, Kaplan S (1989) The experience of nature. Cambridge Press, Cambridge The Linnaean correspondence, an electronic edition prepared by the Swedish Linnaeus Society, Uppsala, and published by the Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, Ferney-Voltaire. Giovanni Antonio Scopoli to Carl Linnaeus, 1 September 1760, The Linnaean Correspondence,, Rabusertib letter L2798 (consulted 19 August 2009). Carl Linnaeus to Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin, 1 April 1764, The Linnaean Correspondence,, letter L3397 (consulted 19 August 2009). Carl Linnaeus to Nicolaus Joseph von Jacquin, 24 August 1767, The Linnaean Correspondence,, letter L3945 (consulted 19 August 2009) Marstein M (2009)

Galnebær—Scopolia carniolicaJacq.http://​www.​plantearven.​no/​galnebær.​htm Rathke J (1823) Enumeratio plantarum horti botanici Universitatis Regiae Fredericianae Christianiensis. Gröndahl, Christiania Reichborn-Kjennerud, I (1922) Våre folkemedisinske lægeurter. Kristiania Schübeler FC (1886–1889) Viridarium norwegicum. Norges Væxtrige. Et bidrag til Nord-Europas natur og Culturhistorie, I–III. Christiania Scopoli GA (1760) Flora Carniolica, ed.1. Vienna Stafleu FA, Cowan learn more RS (1985) Taxonomic literature, 5th edn. Sal-Ste. W. Junk b.v., The Hague, Boston”
“Introduction Insects associated with plant galls have been a key model system for understanding host-parasite interactions, trophic cascades, host specificity, and other aspects of community ecology, as these multitrophic systems represent natural microcosms that are tractable for ecologists (Stone et al. 2002). Gall inducers manipulate their host plant to produce structures of varying complexity in which the gall inducer develops (Rohfritsch 1992). The most complex and species rich group of gall-inducing organisms are the cynipid gall wasps of the tribe Cynipini, which produce complex galls on various ML323 purchase tissues of oaks.

The COMSTAT results for both the type 3

The COMSTAT results for both the type 3 fimbriae mutant and type 1 and 3 fimbriae double mutant revealed much lower this website substratum coverage than the wild type. This indicates that type 3 fimbriae are most important for initial

cell-surface attachment. Furthermore, the lower amount of biomass and average thickness of the biofilms for the type 3 fimbriae mutants compared to the wild type and type 1 fimbriae mutant indicates that type 3 fimbriae also mediates cell-cell adherence in the biofilm. Our results confirm previous find more studies demonstrating that type 3 fimbriae are important for K. pneumoniae biofilm formation [29, 33]. Also in E. coli , the recently discovered ability to express type 3 fimbriae, mediated by conjugative plasmids, was found to profoundly enhance biofilm formation [16, 17]. Thus, type 3 fimbriae expression seems to generally promote biofilm formation in different bacterial species. We have previously established that type 1 fimbriae but not type 3 fimbriae are an essential virulence factor in K. pneumoniae urinary tract infections [18, 19]. The present study demonstrates how the impact of a specific virulence factor may vary significantly in different infection scenarios and host environments. Thus, although type 3 fimbriae may

not be significantly involved in development of uncomplicated UTIs, our results indicates that type 3 fimbriae may be a significant virulence factor in CAUTIs since they promote biofilm formation Target Selective Inhibitor Library ic50 on inert surfaces. Understanding the mode of bacterial growth in vivo during Fossariinae infection is important in relation to future therapeutic measures. Conclusions In conclusion, the present work shows that type 3 fimbriae, but not type 1 fimbriae, mediate biofilm formation in K. pneumoniae C3091. As type 3 fimbriae promote adhesion to abiotic surfaces and biofilm formation in K. pneumoniae and other species, as shown here and by other studies [16, 17, 29, 33], type

3 fimbriae may generally play a significant role in development of catheter related infections such as CAUTIs. In this respect, the occurrences of conjugative plasmids encoding type 3 fimbriae in other species are worrisome. As the vast majority of K. pneumoniae isolates are able to express both type 1 and type 3 fimbriae [1], the use of epidemiological studies to elucidate the role of fimbriae in catheter associated K. pneumoniae infections is difficult. Thus further studies using catheterized in vivo infection models, are needed to further characterize the role of fimbriae in catheter related infections. Acknowledgements C. Struve was partially financed by Danish Research Agency Grant 2052-03-0013. We would like to thank Professor Søren Molin, Centre for Biomedical Microbiology, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark, for providing flow chamber facilities. References 1. Podschun R, Ullmann U: Klebsiella spp .

We previously reported the existence

of VM in human prima

We previously reported the existence

of VM in human primary GBC specimens and its correction with the patient’s poor prognosis [28]. In addition, the human primary gallbladder carcinoma cell lines SGC-996, isolated from the primary mastoid adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder obtained from a 61-year-old female patient in Tongji Hospital were successfully established by our groups in 2003, the doubling time of cell proliferation was 48 h. Furthermore, we found SGC-996 cells accorded with the general characteristic of the cell line in vivo and in vitro. Based on these results, we hypothesized that the two different tumor cell lines, including GBC-SD and SGC-996, can exhibit significant different invasive ability and possess discrepancy of VM channels formation. In this study, AC220 purchase we show evidence buy BIX 1294 that VM exists in the three-dimensional matrixes of human GBC cell lines GBC-SD (highly aggressive) and SGC-996 (poorly aggressive, but when placed on the aggressive cell-preconditioned matrix) in vitro, and in the nude mouse xenografts of GBC-SD cells in vivo. Taken together, these results advance our present knowledge concerning the biological characteristic

of primary GBC and provide the basis for new therapeutic intervention. Methods Cell culture Two established human gallbladder carcinoma cell lines used in this study were GBC-SD (Shanghai Cell Biology Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS, China) and SGC-996 (a generous gift from Dr. Yao-Qing Yang, Tumor Cell Biology Research Institute of Tongji University, China). These cells were maintained and propagated in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s media (DMEM, Gibco Company, Resveratrol USA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Hangzhou Sijiqing Bioproducts, China) and 0.1% gentamicin sulfate (Gemini Bioproducts, Calabasas, Calif). Cells were maintained at log phase at 37°C with 5% carbon dioxide. Invasion assay in vitro The 35-mm, 6-well Transwell membranes (Coster Company, USA) were used to measure the in vitro invasiveness of two tumor cells. Briefly, a polyester (PET) membrane with 8-μm pores was uniformity coated with a defined

basement membrane matrix consisting of 50 μl Matrigel mixture which diluted with serum-free DMEM (2 Mocetinostat volumes versus 1 volume) over night at 4°C and used as the intervening barrier to invasion. Upper wells of chamber were respectively filled with 1 ml serum-free DMEM containing 2 × 105·ml-1 tumor cells (GBC-SD or SGC-996 cells, n = 3), lower wells of chamber were filled with 3 ml serum-free DMEM containing 1 × MITO+ (Collaborative Biomedical, Bedford, MA). After 24 hr in a humidified incubator at 37°C with 5% carbon dioxide, cells that had invaded through the basement membrane were stained with H&E, and counted by light microscopy. Invasiveness was calculated as the number of cells that had successfully invaded through the matrix-coated membrane to the lower wells.

More attractive is presently the hypothesis that, saquinavir-medi

More attractive is presently the hypothesis that, saquinavir-mediated up-regulation Metabolism inhibitor of c-Myc expression, could be the consequence of drug-induced proteosoma impairment [26], resulting in the failure of c-Myc protein degradation [31]. Indeed, the drug is able to reverse also the decline of c-Myc protein following siRNA- mediated “knock down”. In line with this hypothesis, beside to a c-Myc mediated increase of hTERT transcription, we cannot rule out also that reduction of protein degradation could be partially involved in saquinavir-induced hTERT up-regulation. Of particular interest is the finding that saquinavir-induced telomerase increase

was followed by increased proliferation rate in activated normal mononuclear cells [9]. On the contrary, as shown in the present study, cell growth impairment occurred when Jurkat leukemia cells were subjected to similar experimental conditions. No data are presently available to identify the mechanism underlying the different responses to saquinavir between normal and malignant lymphoid cells. It is reasonable to assume that telomerase activity and cell proliferation can be disjointed processes differentially regulated in different types of cells.

For example, dichotomy between telomerase activity and proliferation was demonstrated in highly differentiated “old” CD8+T cells following PDL-1 signalling blockade [32]. In any case, the finding that saquinavir is able to augment telomerase activity ARS-1620 manufacturer could be considered a negative aspect of the pharmacological profile of this molecule in oncology. However, high levels of telomerase are constitutively expressed in the majority of malignant cells (reviewed in 13). Therefore, increase of telomerase expression should not modify substantially the already “immortal” phenotype produced by the basal levels of this enzyme complex in cancer cells [33]. On the other hand, large experimental evidence is now available showing

ALOX15 that hTERT could be involved in host’s immune responsiveness against autochtonous tumor. A number of HLA-restricted peptides can be generated following proteosomal-mediated degradation of hTERT protein. These peptides, presented by Class I HLA molecules on malignant cell surface elicit CD8+ T cell cytotoxic response of the host, leading to potentially efficient antitumor immunity (reviewed in 15, 16). It is reasonable to hypothesize that drug-induced up-regulation of hTERT could increase the probability of endocellular generation of hTERT-derived peptides showing the molecular pattern required for presentation in association with class I HLA gene products on the cell membrane of neoplastic cells. This would enhance, at least in principle, the level of host’s immune cytotoxic responsiveness against malignant cells.

For instance, on the issue of cohabitation, one of the three part

For instance, on the issue of cohabitation, one of the three participants

who reported change, Student 2, who has an American boyfriend, said: I have always wanted to cohabitate with my significant other, however I could never do it in Turkey. I would worry about what my family and friends would say and more importantly I would not want to be judged and frowned upon by the society. But with my partner here, I was able to overlook that because nobody here would judge me on this. On the topic of age of marriage, another participant, Student 10, said, There is a great amount of pressure in see more Turkey to get married. When you see all of your friends get married, and your parents and friends constantly ask you when

you are going to get married and start a family, Sapitinib this puts a tremendous amount of pressure on you. If I were in Turkey, I would have probably gotten married by now, but here I do not feel that social control or that pressure. About inter-racial dating, 30 year old Ph.D. Student 5, who has an Arabic boyfriend, said that she thought dating a man from a different racial or religious background would not work, and would not be accepted by the society at large. She then added, “There is no social pressure in US, you can date or get married to whomever you want without worrying about SC79 what your friends or family will say; that’s why it all seems a lot more probable.” Theme 4: Increase in Individualism The fourth theme that emerged was an increased sense of individualism as a result of living in the host country. In talking about sexual expectations from partners, four participants reported change. Student 5 said, “Living in the US made me think that it’s not such a bad thing to be self-focused in bed and have my needs met. In Turkey, I always thought about PDK4 sex as pleasing the other person, and never once have I thought about my own needs and wants. However, now I see that my needs are just as important as my partner’s needs.” On the other hand, when talking about the amount of time spent with partner, eleven participants reported significant

change. Student 12 said that while she was in Turkey she had a hard time finding personal time and space for herself away from the relationship. She added, In Turkey, couples are so enmeshed, they do everything together, and here I find it comforting to spend some time alone, or with different friends and do what I would like to really do as opposed to what my partner or others want me to do. The tendency to embrace more individualistic values was also evident in Student 11’s discussion of her parents’ expectations about marriage. She said that she used to value a lot more their opinion about who she should marry, how the husband needed to be, however, living in the United States made the importance of her parents’ view a lot less important.

The ICESt3 precise start point could not be deduced from 5′RACE e

The ICESt3 precise start point could not be deduced from 5′RACE experiments because all the obtained products ended in a region located 100 bp downstream from the corresponding start point of ICESt1. For ICESt1, several 5′RACE products also ended in this region. mFold software analysis [19] revealed a conserved putative stem loop structure (ΔG = -6.7 kcal.mol-1

for ICESt1 and ΔG = -6.4 kcal.mol-1 for ICESt3), which could affect RNA stability. Although it could not be experimentally demonstrated, we propose, based on sequence conservation (Akt activity Figure 1B), a GW2580 same location of the Pcr promoter for ICESt3 and ICESt1. Figure 2 Transcriptional analysis of the arp2 / orfM region of ICE St3. (A) Schematic representation of the arp2/orfM intergenic region of ICESt3. Primers used for PCR analysis are represented by triangles see more and promoters are represented by angled arrows. (B) RT-PCR mapping Pcr promoter of ICESt3. Amplicons are generated with primers mentioned

above the gels on genomic DNA (gDNA) or cDNA synthesized from RNA extracted from cells in exponential growth phase (expo0.6). Amplicon size is given on the left. Results were identical for three independent biological replicates. (C) RT-PCR mapping Parp2 promoter of ICESt3. Amplicons are generated with primers mentioned on the left of the gels on genomic DNA (gDNA) or cDNA synthesized from RNA extracted from exponential growth phase (expo0.6) and stationary phase (stat) cells. The transcriptional activity upstream from the Parp2 promoter was detected during stationary phase. Results were identical for three independent biological replicates. For both elements, the functionality of the predicted arp2 promoter Parp2 was established with a (A) start site located seven nucleotides downstream from a -10 box (TACAAT) (Figure 1B). For both ICEs, transcriptional

analyses showed that all the promoters (Pcr, PorfQ and Parp2), which are active during the stationary phase, are also active during exponential the growth phase Endonuclease (data not shown). However, an additional promoter was identified in ICESt3 upstream from the Parp2 promoter during stationary phase. Amplicons were obtained using arp2.f/r3 and arp2.f/r4 primers (Figure 2C). 5′RACE experiments revealed a start site located within a (A)6 stretch in this region (between the r4 and r5 primers, Figure 2C). Therefore, an alternative transcript originating from a distal arp2 promoter in ICESt3 (called “”Parp2s”") is expressed during the stationary phase (Figure 1C). This promoter does not match the classical promoter consensus as its -35 (TTATCA) and -10 (TGTAAT) boxes are separated by only 15 nucleotides (Figure 1C). The functionality of this promoter was highlighted only during stationary phase (Figure 2C) and only in ICESt3 (data not shown), although its sequence is strictly identical in ICESt1 (Figure 1C).

In Applied Microbial Systematics Edited by: Preist FG, Goodfello

In Applied Microbial Systematics. Edited by: Preist FG, Goodfellow M. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. The Netherlands; 2000:107–134. 47. Gao JL, Sun JG, Li Y, Wang ET, Chen WX: Numerical taxonomy and DNA relatedness of tropical rhizobia isolated from Hainan

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51. Versalovic J, Koeuth T, Lupski JR: Distribution of repetitive DNA sequences in eubacteria and application to fingerprinting of bacterial genomes. Nucleic Acids Res 1991, 19:6823–6831.PubMedCrossRef 52. Hulton CSJ, Higgins CF, Sharp PM: ERIC Sequences: a novel family of repetitive elements in the genomes of Escherichia coli , Salmonella typhimurium and other enterobacteria. Mol Microbiol 1991, 5:825–834.PubMedCrossRef 53. Elboutahiri N, Thami-Alami I, Zaïd E, Udupa SM: Genotypic characterization of indigenous Sinorhizobium meliloti and Rhizobium sullae by rep-PCR, RAPD and ARDRA analysis. [http://​www.​academicjournals​.​org/​AJB/​PDF/​pdf2009/​20Mar/​Elboutahirietal.​pdf] Afr J Biotechnol 2009, 8:979–985. 54. Liu K, Muse SV: PowerMarker: Integrated analysis environment for genetic marker data. Bioinformatics 2005, 21:2128–2129.PubMedCrossRef 55. Excoffier L, Smouse PE, Quattro JM: Analysis Meloxicam of Molecular Variance Inferred from Metric Distances among DNA Haplotypes: Application to Human Mitochondrial DNA Restriction Data. Genetics 1992, 131:479–491.PubMed 56. Peakall R, Smouse PE: Genalex 6: genetic analysis in Excel, population genetic software for teaching and research. Molecular Ecology

Notes 2006, 6:288–295.CrossRef 57. Lowe A, Harris S, Ashton P: Ecological genetics: design, analysis, and application. Wiley-Blackwell, UK; 2004:326. 58. Nei M: Analysis of gene diversity in subdivided populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1973, 70:3321–3323.PubMedCrossRef 59. Wright S: The genetical structure of populations. Ann Eugen 1951, 15:323–354. 60. Agapow P-M, Burt A: Indices of multilocus linkage disequilibrium. Molecular Ecology Notes 2001, 1:101–102.CrossRef Authors’ contributions NE isolated the cultures, performed phenotyping and genotyping of the isolates, and also contributed in drafting the manuscript. ITA did sampling of the isolates, contributed to conception and the outline of the study, supervised phenotyping and drafting the manuscript.

monocytogenes InlA over-expressing strain and ΔinlA strain were c

monocytogenes InlA over-expressing strain and ΔinlA strain were compared (Figure 2) and was also seen in experiments in the L. lactis background (Figure 3). These

results could be due to the high level of inlA expression from the Pnis and Phelp promoters, amplifying the learn more differences in InlA on the surface of L. lactis and L. monocytogenes cells (Figure 2 and 3). We interpret these results as evidence of a specific interaction between InlA and a cell surface receptor on CT-26 cells which stimulates bacterial cell entry. To summarise, we have established a gentamicin protection assay, capable of discriminating InlA mediated invasion into selleckchem a murine cell line. Generation and screening of a random bank of InlA LRR mutants To generate diversity within the inlA gene we applied error prone PCR to the LRR region (between naturally occurring BglII/BstXI sites – Figure 1a). Four separate banks were created containing different levels of mutation frequency, each containing about 40,000 L. lactis clones. Initial assessment by DNA sequencing of ten clones from each

bank identified OICR-9429 research buy mutations throughout the LRR region with the level of mutation correlating with the concentration of input template DNA for the error prone PCR (data not shown). To identify positive mutations, pools were invaded through CT-26 cells en masse as detailed in Figure 4. Sequential passages through CT-26 cells were required to remove the background functional InlA Cell Penetrating Peptide from the pools (Figure 5). Of the four banks only the highest mutation frequency resulted in an initial recovery below that of wild type InlA, which suggested that a significant number of clones contained inactivating mutations. From passage two through six a significant enrichment in positive mutations was observed, with a leveling off at passage seven (Figure 5).

From passage six, eight clones from each bank were sequenced (Table 2) and assayed individually using both CT-26 and Caco-2 cells (Figure 6). All clones exhibited enhanced entry into CT-26 cells while no apparent differences for cell entry into Caco-2 cells were observed (compared to L. lactis InlAWT). However, no clones were identified which were capable of matching the level of L. lactis InlA m * mediated entry into the murine cells. Sequence analysis revealed that 23 of the 32 clones contained amino acid changes in residues involved in direct interaction with CDH1. Of the four banks, only the lowest mutation frequency contained multiple clones with the same mutation (Gln190Leu), with this single amino acid change also found in one clone from an additional bank (Table 2). Figure 4 Enrichment protocol for the selection of mutations in InlA conferring enhanced invasion of L. lactis into CT-26 cells. Cultures of L. lactis + pNZB containing (i) inlA WT (ii) inlA m * or (iii-vi) 4 banks of clones with different levels of mutation in the LRR of inlA WT were induced with nisin and assayed for invasion into CT-26 cells by gentamicin protection assay.